Exciting Discoveries for our Preschoolers

Exciting Discoveries for our Preschoolers

🔍 Exciting Discoveries for our Preschoolers ✨ Last week, the preschoolers in Helena & Jennifer’s class had the incredible opportunity to dive into the fascinating world of geology. The Natural History Museum’s treasures found their way to our little learners, unveiling a world of enchanting gems and stones waiting to be discovered. With their tiny...

LFSD Track Team at SD Santa Run

LFSD Track Team at SD Santa Run

🎅🏃‍♂️ San Diego Santa Run 🏃‍♀️🎄 Spreading Holiday Cheer in Pacific Beach with LFSD Track Team! Over 6,000 Santas turned Pacific Beach into a festive wonderland at the 2023 San Diego Santa Run! The LFSD Track Team laced up their running shoes, donned Santa hats, and hit the streets in a sea of festive attire....

7th Graders in the Science Lab

7th Graders in the Science Lab

👩‍🔬 Les 5ème au labo de sciences 👨‍🔬 Kudos to our 7th graders for an exciting day in the lab exploring water purification methods. 🧪 Starting with decanting drops, they delved into filtration and distillation, showcasing a hands-on approach to purifying water. 1️⃣ In the first step, decantation, students collected samples of contaminated water and...

Musique en TPS chez Isabelle F. et Gwladys

Musique en TPS chez Isabelle F. et Gwladys

~ Bilingual post ~ Nos TPS, with Isabelle F. and Gwladys, ont eu un invité spécial: notre professeur de musique François C. est venu leur présenter sa guitare et leur a joué quelques morceaux! En musique, notre programme de TPS comprends nommer les instruments de musique les plus communs, reconnaître leurs sons, et des jeux...

Visit of France Judo at LFSD

Visit of France Judo at LFSD

🥋 Visit of France Judo at Lycée Français de San Diego 🇫🇷 Yesterday, we were thrilled to host France Judo at Lycée Français de San Diego, engaging over 150 students from preschool to 3rd grade in exciting judo activities. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to experience the art and discipline of judo,...

New Siblings Enrollment

New Siblings Enrollment

⭐️ NEW Siblings Enrollment ⭐️ If your child has any siblings that you wish to enroll for the first time at Le Lycée Français de San Diego for the 2024-2025 school year, please check the email Nathalie sent on Saturday. You have until Tuesday, January 2nd, to register them. ✔️December 1st to January 2nd: New...

Thanksgiving Gratitude at LFSD

Thanksgiving Gratitude at LFSD

🦃 Thanksgiving Gratitude at LFSD ✨ Our Kindergarten to 2nd-grade students participated in a special Thanksgiving activity that not only sparked their imaginations but also cultivated a sense of thankfulness. Each child wrote down what they were thankful for on a paper feather, expressing their appreciation for the wonderful things in their lives. Equipped with...

Les moyennes sections avec Isabelle E. et Lily

Les moyennes sections avec Isabelle E. et Lily

~ Bilingual post ~ Les enfants ont fait de l’art sur toile pour représenter l’automne, dans le cadre de l’apprentissage des saisons. Ils ont utilisé du papier de soie humide pour faire les taches de couleurs, en repérant les limitations des espaces et tout en travaillant leur motricité fine. Merci pour ces belles couleurs automnales qui...

November 13, 2023November 13, 2023by
6th grade Field Biology with Pascal

6th grade Field Biology with Pascal

~ Bilingual post ~ En cours de biologie, les 6e sont sortis observer leur environement proche autour du campus. Il apprennent à observer et comprendre l’influence de l’environement sur les plants et les populations animales. Lors de cette séance de travaux pratiques, ils prennent des notes sur le terrain puis, en classe, en tirent des...

November 13, 2023November 13, 2023by