Exciting Discoveries for our Preschoolers

🔍 Exciting Discoveries for our Preschoolers ✨

Last week, the preschoolers in Helena & Jennifer’s class had the incredible opportunity to dive into the fascinating world of geology.

The Natural History Museum’s treasures found their way to our little learners, unveiling a world of enchanting gems and stones waiting to be discovered.

With their tiny hands and eager eyes, our preschoolers embraced the magic of exploration. Armed with magnifying glasses, they delved into the intricate details of each stone, unlocking a world of textures, colors, and patterns that sparked their imaginations.

At LFSD, we believe in creating environments that inspire curiosity, where every moment is a chance to learn and grow. Our little ones are not just discovering stones; they are uncovering the joy of exploration, the thrill of observation, and the magic of learning through play 🤗

A huge shoutout to our dedicated educators who continue to ignite the spark of curiosity in our preschoolers’ hearts.