Rocket Club
Teacher: Pascal Biron
Day: Friday
Age/Grade levels: 6-8 and Adult
What to expect: Students will build rockets using non -metal materials to understand the dynamics of rocket flight. From straw rockets to solid fuel kits, students will explore different aspects of physics and engineering while applying their problem solving skills to achieve the perfect flight.
This is the first step towards a TARC team which would allow students to compete against others at the state and national level.
Prototypes will be tested at school until we reach solid fuel motors, at which point flights will take place at Fiesta Island on weekends under the supervision of DART, the San Diego rocket association. There students will be able to talk to other students involved in TARC teams and share their successes and learning events ( AKA catastrophic failures). Parents will be responsible for their child during such launches ( transportation and supervision). The club instructor will remain on the launch site until all students have completed their flights.
More information: pascal.biron@lfsd.org
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Rocket Club
Teacher: Pascal Biron
Day: Friday
Age/Grade levels: 6-8 and Adult
What to expect: Students will build rockets using non -metal materials to understand the dynamics of rocket flight. From straw rockets to solid fuel kits, students will explore different aspects of physics and engineering while applying their problem solving skills to achieve the perfect flight.
This is the first step towards a TARC team which would allow students to compete against others at the state and national level.
Prototypes will be tested at school until we reach solid fuel motors, at which point flights will take place at Fiesta Island on weekends under the supervision of DART, the San Diego rocket association. There students will be able to talk to other students involved in TARC teams and share their successes and learning events ( AKA catastrophic failures). Parents will be responsible for their child during such launches ( transportation and supervision). The club instructor will remain on the launch site until all students have completed their flights.