
Drama, Theater, Imagination!

Teacher: Amanda Foley   

Day: Monday

Age/Grade levels: PS-MS (Preschool 3-5 years)

What to expect: This after school program for PS & MS preschool students will involve fun, active playtime that will teach kids some of the basics of theatre and drama, like how to embody an emotion or a character. This programme can help improve their social emotional skills, their storytelling, as well as help them to open their imaginations and be confident speaking in front of others

More information: amanda.foley@lfsd.org

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Drama, Theater, Imagination!

Teacher: Amanda Foley   

Day: Monday

Age/Grade levels: PS-MS (Preschool 3-5 years)

What to expect: This after school program for PS & MS preschool students will involve fun, active playtime that will teach kids some of the basics of theatre and drama, like how to embody an emotion or a character. This programme can help improve their social emotional skills, their storytelling, as well as help them to open their imaginations and be confident speaking in front of others