
Chess Class

Teacher: Julien Moncelet 

Day: Wednesday

Age/Grade levels: KG and Up

What to expect: Let’s have fun playing chess together!
The engaging stories, unique mini-games, colorful board and vibrant custom pieces enable anyone to learn chess, even for beginners – no chess experience needed!

Of course, club players are also welcome to continue improving their skills!

More information : julien.moncelet@lfsd.org

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Chess Class

Teacher: Julien Moncelet 

Day: Wednesday

Age/Grade levels: KG and Up

What to expect: Let’s have fun playing chess together!
The engaging stories, unique mini-games, colorful board and vibrant custom pieces enable anyone to learn chess, even for beginners – no chess experience needed!

Of course, club players are also welcome to continue improving their skills!

More information : julien.moncelet@lfsd.org

Additional information


Monday (KG, 1st ad 2nd grade), Thursday (3rd grade and up)