Music & Movement
Teachers: Gwladys Kouassi
Day: Monday
Age/Grade levels: TPS – PS – MS (Preschool 2-3-5 years)
What to expect: Have your child join Gwladys and Lily who will guide an after school activity full of music, physical activity and learning percussion using instruments and their body.
All preschool age students are welcome to participate. Every session will be an exploration of different music, movement and learning.
More information: gwladys.kouassi@lfsd.org
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Music & Movement
Teachers: Gwladys Kouassi
Day: Monday
Age/Grade levels: TPS – PS – MS (Preschool 2-3-5 years)
What to expect: Have your child join Gwladys and Lily who will guide an after school activity full of music, physical activity and learning percussion using instruments and their body.
All preschool age students are welcome to participate. Every session will be an exploration of different music, movement and learning.
More information: gwladys.kouassi@lfsd.org